We are very excited to  be  able to welcome everyone back to school Thursday 9 September.

It is very encouraging that we are able to move back to Level 2 now. To stay there we all need to be very vigilant.

We have now been provided with some very clear guidelines from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education to ensure the safety of your children, our staff and ultimately our wider community.

School will be pretty much operating as normal but with increased vigilance on Health and Safety and Hygiene.

We will have only have the Main/ Office Entry to school open with a hand sanitiser station that we will require everyone to use each time before entering our school site .

Check out the  detail of the procedures we will be following at Upper Moutere School at Delta Level 2.  Procedures at Delta Level 2

Main Points:

If your child or a staff member is sick they must stay at home…no tolerance of sniffles or sore throats …stay at home and get a test.

We are again not encouraging parents/caregivers to come onsite however if you do need to come onsite you are required to sanitise on entry, scan or sign our register and wearing a mask is preferred. We would like to keep the number of people coming onsite to a minimum please.

Drop off at the main entrance after 8.15am and pick up as close to 2.55pm as possible from the same would be appreciated.

Students and staff are not required to wear a mask while at school, but anyone who wishes to will be supported in their choice.

The bus will be running as normal.

Students and Staff will hand sanitise on entry to any space across the school.

We will regularly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, encourage everyone to frequently wash their hands and cough and sneeze into their elbow.

Staff met on Wednesday morning to ensure we have a united approach and we are all prepared to provide a safe and welcoming return to school. If you have had the use of a school device can you please return this Thursday, along with any other resources you may have used such as library books and text books. We will sanitise before use.

It is great we are moving to Level 2 and you should be extremely pleased with the role you have taken in keeping your family safe while dealing with learning as well as living in Lockdown.. not an easy task. Well Done! Great job everyone!

Continue to stay safe. Looking forward to seeing all the smiles coming through the gate on Thursday.

Heidi, Rachael, Jaki, Julieanne, Toby, Dylan, Cathy, Saree, Olivia, Yvette, Bridget and Grant