Dear Parents/ Caregivers


Can you believe this is the last week of school for 2019? The years do seem to get faster and we constantly try to pack more and more in!

On behalf of all of the staff, I want to thank you all for sharing your children with us. We are very lucky to work with your children each day and share in their learning. They are special to us and make our jobs very rewarding.

Also thank you all for the various ways you have supported us in 2020. We have seen you transporting us all over, looking after groups of students on trips, been camp parents, in-class helpers, sports coaches, sports managers, fundraisers, purchasers of fundraising and MORE. Please accept this as a personal THANK YOU.

I do want to acknowledge two of our parents especially. Patsy Berriman for the hours she puts in to ensure our pool is healthy and available over the summer months and Mo Erni who vounteers to complete our Health and Safety check around the school each month and has done so for years.

Congratulations to Nardia who welcomed Maddison Rose Anne Allan into the world on Friday 13th at 10:55pm (7lb 8oz).

Pool Keys are available from Saree this week. An adult must pick them up personally. NOTE there will be no sales after Wednesday 18th.

Stationery requirements for 2020 will be sent home. These will also be on the school website and on the Noticeboard if you put them somewhere safe!

This week is the final week of Primary Schooling for 28 rather special young people. Tommorrow night we have our Leavers Dinner along with their Year 7 friends.

I would like to invite you all to our School End Of Year Picnic. This will be held on the top field if the weather is willing, in the hall otherwise. Bring your rug, something to eat and drink and share in a chat with our school community. We will Farewell our Year 8s as a community and thank them for what they have brought to Upper Moutere and wish them well as they embark on their next adventure.


School Picnic from 5.15pm with formalities from 5.45pm.  School finishes for the year at noon on Thursday 19th, bus will run at noon.


Have a fabulous summer break everyone, enjoy the festivities with family and friends, have fun and stay safe.


Jaki, Nardia, Lauren, Cathy, Julieanne, Rachael, Yvette, Bridget, Olivia, Saree, Heidi and Grant